Donations and Endowments
Our activities, including maintenance and restoration of the house, adding to our collections, and development of this website, rely heavily on donations.
The Trust is registered as a charitable organisation with the New Zealand Charities Commission and donations to it qualify for tax rebates. Annual Reports and Financial Statements for the Trust can be found on the Charities Commission website. The donation rebate threshold on New Zealand charitable giving has recently been raised, and we hope anyone with an interest in heritage, missionary and New Zealand history, the Williams family, or other matters covered by this site, will feel able to make a donation.
Donations will be used to help maintain and restore an important heritage property, now more than 160 years old, and to purchase items for the collections.
For financial donations please send your contribution directly to our bank account on-line. The account name is: H & W WILLIAMS MEMORIAL MUSEUM TRUST, Account number is: 03 0518 0168756 00. Note in the transfer your name and put ‘donation’ in the reference panel. Otherwise email us here to discuss further options.
Anyone with Williams family connections possessing items of interest to the museum are welcome to bring them to our attention. This can be done in two ways: either donation or loan of the item itself, or a photo of it that we can put on our web site in the ‘Collections’ page. Full acknowledgement will be made.
For more information or to contact the Trust, please write to the H & W Williams Memorial Museum Trust, P O Box 12426, Thorndon, Wellington 6144. For email enquiries click on Contact Us. Visit this website to keep abreast of future developments.